The Advanced Characterization and Nanostructure group belongs to the Magnetic Material and Functional Oxide department at ICMAB.
Our main scientific goal is to generate both fundamental and applied knowledge for the implementation of functional oxide materials in novel technologies as spintronics.
Oxides are ubiquitous in nature and span a wide range of behaviors from insulating to semiconducting or metallic, exhibiting phenomena such as ferroelectricity and magnetism, as well as colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) and high temperature superconductivity. Moreover, the extreme sensitivity of these properties to structural distortions and crystal chemistry offers many routes for controlling and engineering new functionalities. Furthermore, oxide thin films offer the opportunity of tuning those properties through structural strain by properly choosing the substrate or by a careful tuning of growth kinetics leading to nanostructured materials. In addition, a number of novel phenomena at complex oxide interfaces recently discovered clearly point to these materials as ideal candidates for the implementation of new devices with novel and enhanced functionalities.
Read more about our research lines here
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Phone: +34 93 580 18 53
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